Health Promotion
and Disease Prevention

Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching will help you implement a consistent daily maintenance diet and lifestyle program that will allow you to operate at peak levels, age naturally, and prevent or manage chronic disease.
Guided Cleanse
and Detox Programs

Are you curious to see how much better you will feel after participating in a 10 day sugar detox or a liver cleanse? Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching can help you find the perfect detox or cleanse for your unique health and wellness goals, and will be there for you offering support and encouragement every step of the way.
Customized Plans
for Sustained Weight Loss

Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching will work with you to define your weight loss goals, design a plan that will help you meet your goals, and accompany you on your journey to good health, offering support and encouragement along the way.
Food Allergies
and Food Sensitivities

Food allergies and sensitivities are both caused by an inappropriate reaction to normally harmless substances. Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching can help you develop a plan to remove possible allergenic foods like gluten, dairy, soy and processed sugars from your diet.
Reduce Stress
to Increase Health

A common roadblock to achieving health and wellness goals is stress. Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching can help you identify areas of stress in your life, assist you in exploring relaxation techniques, and suggest ways you can shift your perspective to alleviate stress.
Chronic Disease

Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching will help you incorporate your physician or health care professional's nutritional and lifestyle recommendations into your daily routine. Whether you are living with Diabetes, Obesity, Disorders of the GI Tract, or Autoimmune Disease such as MS or Hashimoto's, Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching will work within your medical professional's guidelines to help you meet and exceed your health goals.
How to Raise
Healthy Kids

Childhood obesity is on the rise in the US. Busy families are reliant on fast food when they are pressed for time. Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching can work with you to create kid-friendly meals both at home and on the go, allowing you to drive past the drive-through.
Learn How to
Reclaim Your Vitality

Do you lack the energy to get through your days without getting a boost from coffee or a sweet treat? Zen Pantry Holistic Health Coaching can help you design a wellness plan that will include foods that are restorative and a healing fuel for your body. See how good you can feel just by changing what you eat.